Orbit login service

To use an SAML SSO service for user authentication in Orbit, you must first configure an Orbit Login Service.

  1. Run the Orbit Updater Configurator as Administrator.

  2. On the Login Service, check that the Update is set to “Update if not installed or already installed and a newer version is available”.

  3. Choose the Service directory (default is %ProgramFiles%\Apteco\OrbitLoginService).

  4. Choose the Service name (default is OrbitLoginService).

  5. Save changes and restart the Orbit Updater Service to pick up these changes.

  6. Check that the OrbitLoginService is installed and running.

Orbit API Configurator

To set up the Login Service in the Orbit API Configurator:

  1. In GeneralExternal login service options enter the following settings:

    Header Description
    Base URL https://localhost:5005
    Issuer https://AptecoLoginApi
    Audience https://AptecoLoginApi
    Secret key VerySecretAptecoJWTKey

    We recommend changing your Secret Key from the default value.

  2. Save and close the Orbit API Configurator.