Configure FastStats for Orbit

FastStats can publish storyboards to Orbit using the Orbit API and provide FastStats users with a link to Orbit.

These settings are in the FastStats web service.

Web Service

To configure FastStats for Orbit:

  1. Open the FastStats Configurator and go to the Web Service section.

  2. Find the system you are setting Orbit up for and go to the Orbit page.

FastStats System Orbit settings

Table: FastStats System Orbit settings

Item Settings to use
OrbitAPI URL http(s)://<WebsiteURL>/OrbitAPI
Orbit URL http(s)://<WebsiteURL>/Orbit

Note: Use the above settings if you are installing a new site and installing in the root.Use the test buttons to check the setup is correct.


  1. Use the File > Save option to save changes and close the dialogue FastStats Service.

  2. Open the FastStats Service settings using the FastStats Services button.

  3. Choose the system you are configuring Orbit for and open its settings by selecting the Properties button.

  4. From the system tab choose the Web Server Panel and enter in the Orbit API address.

  5. Use Test to confirm you can connect to the URL.

  6. Use the File > Save option to save the changes and then close the dialogue.

  7. The FastStats Service must be restarted for these changes to take effect.

Checking your configuration

You can check the configuration by performing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to https://<WebsiteURL>/Orbit and login with a FastStats username and password.

  2. Open FastStats and click Send to Orbit to share a Storyboard.

  3. View the Storyboard in Orbit and check the visualisation is reproduced.