Configuring the Orbit Web Application

Note: You must complete the following steps: we recommend you make a backup of any web.config files before starting. If this is a fresh install, you may not have any settings or web.config files set up for Orbit. For existing Orbit installations, you may have a web.config file in the Orbit folder which is configured by the installer.

Three Redirect Rules must be applied at the Parent Node, the Orbit node rules are set during the install.

URL Rewrite/Redirect Rules (summary)

Orbit Parent Node (Redirect Rules)

Orbit Parent node viewed in IIS console URL Rewrite for completed setup.

Orbit: Compensate for no courtesy redirect

This redirect maps from the directory name without the slash into the default document. As described, this compensates for turning off default documents in the Orbit directory (which also has the effect of disabling courtesy redirects).

Orbit: Compensate for no courtesy redirect with slash

This redirect maps from the directory name with the slash into the default document. As described, this compensates for turning off default documents in the Orbit directory (which also has the effect of disabling courtesy redirects.

Orbit: Handle lowercase versions of URLs

Redirects lowercase versions of the URLs to uppercase versions and must be a ‘redirect’ rather than a ‘rewrite’ to not confuse Angular. The redirect allows you to navigate to the following sites, and more:

  • http://website/orbit/

  • http://website/orbit/login

  • http://website/orbit/collections/42

Orbit Node (Rewrite Rules)

Note: For information only: the Orbit node rules are added automatically by the installer.

Orbit node viewed in IIS console URL Rewrite for completed setup.

The first three rules are inherited from the parent directory. The last is set at the Orbit directory.

Note: the language is set by the rule Orbit - redirect non-language deep links to default language which by default is set to en. This is the language used if the browser language cannot be detected.

To change the default language used, edit this rule and change the Redirect URL appropriately:

  • ./de/{R:2}

  • ./en/{R:2}

  • ./en-AU/{R:2}

  • ./en-US/{R:2}

  • ./nl/{R:2}

Setting the Parent Folder URL Redirect Rules

Open the IIS Manager and navigate to the Orbit UI installation IIS virtual directory – Orbit Parent node. (This could be the

To set the parent folder URL redirect rues:

  1. Open the URL Rewrite module and create the following Inbound Rule.

  2. Select Add Rule(s)… from the Actions area then select Blank rule, click OK.

Orbit: Compensate for no courtesy redirect

Table: Compensate for no courtesy redirect) URL Redirect settings

Dialog Item Settings to Use
Name Enter ‘Orbit – compensate for no courtesy redirect’ in the name field.
Using Exact Match
Pattern orbit
Ignore case Selected
Action type Redirect
Redirect URL ./Orbit/index.html
Append query string Select this checkbox
Redirect type Temporary (307)

To compensate for no courtesy redirect:

  1. Click the Apply Action from the top right of the dialogue.

  2. Add another Rewrite Rule.

  3. Select Add Rule(s)… from the Actions area then select Blank Rule, click OK.

Orbit: Compensate for no courtesy redirect with slash

Create a copy of the above rule with a slash after: orbit/

Table: Compensate for no courtesy redirect with slash) URL Redirect settings.

Dialog item Settings to use
Name Enter ‘Orbit – compensate for no courtesy redirect with slash’ in the name field.
Using Exact Match
Pattern orbit/
Ignore case Selected
Action type Redirect
Redirect URL ./Orbit/index.html
Append query string Select this checkbox
Redirect type Temporary (307)

Orbit: Handle lowercase versions of URLs

Orbit: Handle lowercase versions of URLs

Table: Handle lowercase versions of URLs) URL Redirect settings

Dialog item Settings to use
Name Enter ‘Orbit: Handle lowercase versions of URLs’ in the name field.
Using Regular Expressions
Ignore case Deselected
Pattern orbit/(.*) (Full Stop & Asterisk)
Action type Redirect
Redirect URL ./Orbit/{R:1} (curly brackets)
Append query string Select this checkbox
Redirect type Temporary (307)

Click Apply Action from the top right of the dialogue.