Orbit installation

Pre-installation considerations

Note: The installation of the .Net Core Runtime, the Windows Server Hosting and the URL Rewrite modules described in the Prerequisites section must be completed and validated before continuing.

Reset IIS

You must restart the web service to ensure that .Net Core is installed and running.

To restart the web service:

  1. Search for CMD in the start menu.

  2. Right-click Command Prompt > select Run as administrator.

  3. Type IISReset close the CMD window when the message ‘Internet Services Successfully Restarted’ is displayed.

  4. Alternatively, reboot the machine.

Create the Orbit Database

The Orbit database is used to store information about the available collections, together with collection sharing details.

  1. Open the FastStats Configurator.

    Note: Search for Fast in the Start Menu.

  2. Select the Database Management option.

  3. Select Advanced in the Database management dialogue, click the Start Wizard button.

  4. Select SQL Server from the Database drop-down and enter the database name in the Server box.

  5. Click Connect.

  6. Select Create Orbit Database from the drop-down.

    Note: Orbit uses one database in a FastStats multisystem environment, DataViews are used to control which system a user can access in orbit.

  7. Enter a name in the Database Name for the Orbit database for example. OB_Global.

  8. Click Run Script.

  9. The Running Database Script dialogue opens, click Close when it has completed successfully.

Note: The Orbit database creation script checks for an existing FastStats system database/s and uses your faststats_service user and password.

Install the Updater Service

The Orbit Updater Configurator is used to enter the settings necessary for the Orbit API & Orbit Application UI.

Run the OrbitUpdaterService.msi, (right-click select Run as Administrator), this installs the FastStats Orbit Updater in the following directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Apteco

The Orbit Updater Configurator launches automatically.

Note: You can manually launch the FastStats Orbit Updater Configurator from the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Apteco\FastStats Orbit Updater\UpdaterConfigurator.exe