PeopleStage WhatsApp channels

To set up a PeopleStage channel:

  1. Open PeopleStage, select File > Administration > Channel Editor.

  2. Click Add WhatsApp Channel.

  3. Enter a descriptive Channel Name.

  4. Click Output Settings.

    Row item Description
    Username The Username in FastStats that was used to generate the token
    App Meta App name (Apteco if using Apteco’s Meta App)
    Meta Business Account Name of Meta Business Account as it appears in Meta (Apteco if using Apteco’s Meta App)
    WhatsApp Business Account Name of WhatsApp Business Account as it appears in Meta
    Mobile Number: Variable Name Select the variable for Mobile from the Apteco system
    Mobile Number: Variable Description Override Optional variable description override
    Add Communication Key N/A
    Output Type WhatsApp
    Response File Key Type Mobile With Broadcast Id

    Note: For Apteco's Meta WhatsApp integration, only the E.164 international formatting (e.g., +449876543210) is accepted in the audience list for the recipients. This is to identify the users in a campaign journey. You can refer to the international standard of mobiles here: E.164 Wikipedia.

  5. Parameter Settings. The only option for Parameter Settings is Auto Exclude Opt-Out is True. This is the default setting and can not be changed.