A separate account is required for each user as a part of the licensing agreement.
To enter the Users Screen:
Click the accounts and settings icon.
Select the Users/Groups option from the drop down list.
If you cannot see Users/Groups, then this option has not been enabled yet.
Once you enter the Users & Groups you arrive at the landing page displaying all of the users in your system(s).
The users grid
This page displays information about the system’s Users and cannot be directly edited:
The far left column shows the user and the groups tab.
The Search box allows you search for a user by any part of their username, email, first name or last name.
The Add User button allows you to add a new user to this system. Below the search bar is a grid that displays information on users of this system.
Each user is represented as a horizontal row and there is more information further to the right of the screen.
Underneath the username there is a space for several small warning icons. Holding your mouse over the icon explains what the warning icon means.
To the right of the Username column is the small blue Edit User button. Clicking this button allows you to edit existing User’s details.
Just past the Edit User button is the ellipses button which accesses the Advanced Options menu.
Adding and editing a user
Adding and editing a user both use the same dialog. The Add User button brings up an empty dialog, the Edit User button brings up the same dialog, but is pre-populated with the users details.
The username and email address need to be unique. If you are migrating from a prior version of Apteco Software, then the email uniqueness requirement won’t be enforced until you try to change the email address.
Password rules are determined by the configuration of Orbit and FastStats systems.
You can add a user to multiple groups. You can also manage and remove users from these groups.
To add a user to multiple groups:
Click in the Group membership box to open the drop down list of the groups available to this system.
Click on one or more groups that this user needs to be a member of.
Click Apply.
Note: You can search for groups by typing a few letters from their name in Group Membership box.
This version of Apteco software allows users to be in more than one group. A user can be removed from a group just by clicking on the small x beside the Group Name.
When you click on or select a group, a small chiplet appears in the Group Membership Box.
This is the quickest way to add a single user to many groups. The quickest way to add many users to a single group is explained in Users.
Clicking in the Bundles box opens a drop down list with the bundles and licences available on this system. Several bundles may be available, and licences in those bundles are indented slightly. If the licence box is greyed out, then there are no unused licences available. Licences can be removed from other users or additional licences can be purchased from your partner or Apteco. A user may have one or several licences. Changes made to bundles and licences can be seen in FastStats. Users are not required to have licenses but unlicensed users have a read only restricted access.
When you select a bundle or licence, a small chiplet appears in the Bundles Box.
Drop down items
Clicking on the three heading or the down arrow to the right of the title reveals more options.
Disable options
The Disable Options section allows a user to be locked out of the system now or in the future.
To disable options:
Enter a date and time into the box, or click the calendar icon button and choose a date and time from the calendar pop up.
Click the Disable Now button to lock the user out immediately.
Access details
You can access read only details on this user’s last login and login failures.
Note: You can also see this information on the main grid page.
Password options
This section allows a user’s password to be changed by the administrator.