Downloading ADO.Net Providers from Nuget

A number of ADO.Net providers are supplied for download from Nuget. Typically these Nuget packages are added to a Visual Studio Project and the required DLLs are downloaded as part of building the project. Downloading all the DLLs manually can be tricky so here is a guide:


First install the .NET SDK (v5):


This will give you the command line tool 'dotnet' and you can use the following Powershell commands to download the ADO.Net provider and required DLLs for Designer:


Example for PostgreSQL


Example for Npgsql (PostgreSQL ADO.Net provider), you can either copy these commands into a .ps1 (powershell) script file or run them one at a time on the command line:


# Create a new C# project called PostgresProvider

dotnet new console -n PostgresProvider -f net5.0


# Store current directory

Push-Location PostgresProvider


# Change the project target to .Net Framework 4.6.2

((Get-Content -path PostgresProvider.csproj -Raw) -replace '<TargetFramework>net5.0</TargetFramework>','<TargetFramework>net462</TargetFramework>') | Set-Content -Path PostgresProvider.csproj


# Add Npgsql Nuget package to the project

dotnet add package npgsql --version 7.0.7


# Build the project

dotnet build --configuration Release


# Remove unnecessary files

Remove-Item bin\Release\net462\PostgresProvider.*


# Back to where we were



# DLL Files should be in .\PostgresProvider\bin\Release\net462\


Copy these files to the C:\Program Files\Apteco\FastStats Designer\Providers\Npgsql directory for Designer to recognise and load the ADO.Net provider


Example Postgres connection string:


Server=myServer;Port=5432;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;;sslmode=Require;Trust Server Certificate=true


Example for Snowflake


Example for Snowflake (Snowflake ADO.Net provider), you can either copy these commands into a .ps1 (powershell) script file or run them one at a time on the command line:


# Create a new C# project called SnowflakeProvider

dotnet new console -n SnowflakeProvider -f net5.0


# Store current directory

Push-Location SnowflakeProvider


# Change the project target to .Net Framework 4.7.2

((Get-Content -path SnowflakeProvider.csproj -Raw) -replace '<TargetFramework>net5.0</TargetFramework>','<TargetFramework>net472</TargetFramework>') | Set-Content -Path SnowflakeProvider.csproj


# Add Snowflake.Data Nuget package to the project

dotnet add package Snowflake.Data --version 3.1.0


# Build the project

dotnet build --configuration Release


# Remove unnecessary files

Remove-Item bin\Release\net472\SnowflakeProvider.*


# Back to where we were



# DLL Files should be in .\Provider\bin\Release\net472\


Copy these files to the C:\Program Files\Apteco\FastStats Designer\Providers\Snowflake directory for Designer to recognise and load the ADO.Net provider


Example Snowflake connection string:




Example for DuckDB


Example for DuckDB.Net, you can either copy these commands into a .ps1 (powershell) script file or run them one at a time on the command line:


# Requires the .Net SDK:


mkdir DuckDBProvider


# Create a new C# project called DuckDBProvider

dotnet new console -n DuckDBProvider -f net5.0


# Store current directory

Push-Location DuckDBProvider


# Change the project target to .Net Framework 4.6.2

((Get-Content -path DuckDBProvider.csproj -Raw) -replace '<TargetFramework>net5.0</TargetFramework>','<TargetFramework>net462</TargetFramework>') | Set-Content -Path DuckDBProvider.csproj


# Add Npgsql Nuget package to the project

dotnet add package DuckDB.NET.Data.Full


# Build the project

dotnet build --configuration Release


# Remove unnecessary files

Remove-Item bin\Release\net462\Provider.*


# Back to where we were


# Files should be in .\DuckDBProvider\bin\Release\net462\


Copy these files to the C:\Program Files\Apteco\FastStats Designer\Providers\DuckDB directory for Designer to recognise and load the ADO.Net provider



If you get this message running the scripts "error: There are no versions available for the package..." then you may need to add the default nuget package location by running this command:

dotnet nuget add source --name