Cascade: Cascade Actions

Various actions can be performed on Promotions (and in some cases Campaigns, Cells and Packs).  These actions move along the process flow within Cascade.  They are listed here in roughly the order in which they would be used.


(Applies to Cells and Promotions).

Once a Cell has had a selection specified, the Retrieve action is used to process the selection and identify the records targeted.  This effectively "crystallises" the selection for use by Cascade.  If a selection is changed, then a Retrieve action will have to be performed again to reflect the changes.

Retrieving a Promotion will retrieve all the Cells in the Promotion.

When a Retrieve has been performed for a Cell, the "Gross" counts (how many records were found by the selection) will be populated for this Cell.


(Applies to Promotions only).

Once all Cells in a Promotion have been retrieved, a Calculate action can be performed on for the Promotion.  This performs the de-duplication action and generates the "Nett" counts for each Cell, returning how many unique records there are in the Cell and what the costs will be.  The Cross-Reference results for this Promotion will also be populated, showing how many duplicate records were removed from each Cell.


(Applies to Promotions only).

Once all Cells in a Promotion have been retrieved, it can be Run.  This performs all the processing of the Calculate action, but will also populate the Communications History in the Cascade SQL database and generate a ".cas" file within the configured Cascade directory.


(Applies to Promotions only).

Once a Promotion has been Run it can also be Stored.  This will generate a virtual selector variable in the system for the specified Promotion.  The variable will have a code for each Pack plus an "Unpromoted" code to account for records not included in this promotion.  Each record in the system will be set against the appropriate code.


(Applies to Cells and Promotions).

Once a Promotion has been Run it can be Output.  This will generate the output files specified in the configuration and if the user overrides the defaults, in the attributes.

Calculate Responses

(Applies to Campaigns, Promotions, Cells and Packs).

Once a Promotion has been Run, Calculate Responses can be performed.  This action generates the Cost Per Response and Return On Investment figures for each Pack, based on the information specified for the Response Definition.

Create Digital Responses Variable

(Applies to Promotions, Cells, Packs)

If you are using the Pure360 email broadcaster and have set the Email Response Definition panel it is possible to create a variable to see the latest responses.