Count Wizard: Overview

The Count wizard creates a virtual variable on a specified table in the system (identified as the grouping table) that contains the number of records on a child table (the transaction table) that are associated with each grouping record.

The grouping table and transaction table can be specified in the wizard or by dragging on a selection with a RFV Frequency.  

If an RFV Frequency selection is used, the constraints specified in the RFV Frequency definition will also be used.  For example, suppose you have an RFV selection with the grouping table of People and transaction table of Bookings and the frequency element of the RFV has a value of ">=2".  Using this in the wizard will create a variable on the grouping table (People) that contains the number of Bookings associated with that Person.  As the RFV Frequency value was ">=2", any People that only have one Booking associated with them will have no value associated with them for this variable (the value will be "missing").

On the Wizards tab click on the link to start the wizard - Start