Expression: Cube Functions




Looks up a cell value in a cube based upon the dimension values for the current record



Drag the cube by its icon between the brackets


e.g. If([Number of Bookings]<CubeLookup({Cube #1 - Income v Occupation}),"Poor","Good")


This will test if a person has less bookings than the cell within which they fall on the cube. If this is true the word Poor will be output, if the test is false then the word Good will be output.


If a cube has more than one statistic on it the Expression tool will give you an option to select the appropriate figures.



A third tab will appear on the Expression tool when a CubeLookup operator is used. By default the first measure is used e.g. Count of People. By unticking the box you can select any other measure on the cube from the drop down box. In the above example Mean(Number of Bookings) is used. This allowed us to do a sensible test using the Number of Bookings variable.



e.g. Income of £30-40K & Occupation of Manager – gives an avg booking figure of 3.04


The Subtotal Dimension gives the opportunity to apply the test against a subtotal figure on either of the dimensions.


e.g. Income £30-40K – subtotal avg booking figure is 2.76


e.g. Occupation Manager – subtotal avg booking figure is 2.39