Expression: Operators

The standard operators supported in expressions are the following:

+ Add




[Cost] + [Vat]

[Cost] + 1000


- Subtract




[Total] - [Discount]

[Total] - 100


* Multiply




[Cost] * Quantity

[Total] * 0.175


/ Divide




[Total Cost] / [No. of Occupants]

[Cost] / 5


% Modulus


Modulus - Divides the value of one expression by the value of another, and returns the remainder


[Value] % [Cost]

[Value] % 5


^ Power


Power - The power operator a^b calculates the b-th power of a


[Value] ^ [Numeric]

[Value] ^ 3



Note: Operators can be used together.

[Cost] / 100 * 17.5


[Cost] + ( [Cost] / 100 * 17.5 )


Inequality operators are also available for use in logical functions.


See also - Expressions Overview