Additional cube statistics

A workbook cube can show a measure of the percentages in rows or columns.

To use additional cube statistics:

  1. From the Audiences tab, click + Add New.

  2. From the audience Tools menu, click Cube.

  3. Add a Cube Name, and click Create.

  4. Click Setup a Cube.

  5. Using the Cube Properties menu, click + Add Dimension.

  6. Search for and select the relevant Dimension.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. To analyse your results, click the ellipsis menu next to your dimension and click Edit.

  9. From the Cube Properties tab menu, you can use the Measures drop down to change your results accordingly. For example, changing Display As from General to Percentage of Column.

  10. Click Apply.

  11. The cube now displays the percentage of each cell in a column.

    Note: Validation errors may occur if the cube structure does not support the display type selected (for example, if you’re selecting percentage of column when there are no columns defined).