Apteco email

New Feature: This is a new feature currently under active development and may be subject to change. If you are an administrator, our Technical Services team can guide you through the setup process. Please contact our technical services team here to get started.

Apteco email is a core feature of Apteco Orbit's end-to-end campaigning capabilities. You no longer need an external ESP. Create engaging emails and forms effortlessly using the drag-and-drop builder interface.

The heart of Apteco email lies in the Email Builder, a powerful tool designed to cater to both campaign journey setup and email creative tasks. Whether your organisation assigns these roles separately or together, the intuitive navigation of the builder ensures a seamless experience. Accessible both within campaign journeys and independently, the Email Builder enhances your workflow efficiency, amplifying Apteco's commitment to providing end-to-end capabilities within Orbit.

Sub-account management

Upon choosing Apteco Email, your organisation will be set up with a sub-account structure, allowing for flexible management. Each sub-account functions independently, facilitating separate email creation, usage, and unsubscribes. This feature proves invaluable, particularly in scenarios where contractual and marketing emails require distinct handling. With the ability to access multiple sub-accounts within a single Orbit instance, Apteco empowers you to streamline your email operations efficiently.

Email credit management

To provide transparency and control, Apteco displays email credits within the platform. This feature enables you to monitor their remaining email credits and anticipate any overage charges before sending emails. While there are no restrictions on sending emails beyond the contracted credits, additional charges may apply for exceeding the allocated quota.

Tracking email credits

From the campaigns screen and in the email builder, you can view the number of email credits left on your account in the top-right corner.

This gives you an idea of whether your campaign fits within the allowance.

Note: If needed, you can purchase top-up credits. Please contact your partner or Apteco business development for more details.

Response gathering

For information on gathering responses to your communications with Apteco email, see Setting up Apteco email webhooks for responses.