Personalisation validation

When creating personalised emails with Apteco Email, integrating contact properties and data variables is key. To make this personalisation effective, you must define personalisation fields within the campaign journey. These fields should match the names of the variables used in the email copy.

Example use case

In our Brochure Promotion campaign, we demonstrate this process using the 'HolidaySegments' variable. This variable dynamically changes the images in the email to reflect the segment to which the recipient belongs.

Validation process

The validation process involves identifying the personalization fields required to meet the specifications of the selected email template. The journey builder guides you to add the relevant fields for output, as needed.

Adding content fields

To ensure you have added the relevant content fields, you have the option to Allow Orbit to set up required Content Fields. By enabling this option, Orbit adds a Text content field to Personalisation as a placeholder. You can then edit this field as needed.

Once you add the content fields to the campaign journey, the validation warning disappears, allowing you to proceed with the campaign setup.

Note: While the validation warning is a reminder, it does not prevent the completion and publishing of the campaign without the required fields. However, we recommend addressing validation warnings to avoid incomplete information in the email copy and to ensure a fully personalised and effective email campaign.