Creating your message

To create a WhatsApp message:

  1. Click the + icon between the Audience step and Exit Journey step, then click WhatsApp Message.

    A new step appears in your campaign journey.

  2. Click the new step, then give it a name. Click Create.

  3. In the side panel, using the WhatsApp Channel dropdown, select the WhatsApp Channel that you wish to use.

  4. Orbit now connects to Meta and brings back the templates that are available. Using the Message Name dropdown, select the Template that you wish to use.

Orbit then automatically detects if any personalisation is required for the template you chose.

UTM code tracking

You can enable UTM code tracking for your messages. These are unique parameters appended to your campaign links. These codes help you track performance by identifying the source, medium, and specific campaign driving traffic to your website.

For more detail, see UTM code tracking.