Live and draft campaign modes

Campaigning in Apteco Orbit features both live mode and draft mode. These allow you to visualise state of your campaigns and manage any revisions with greater control, transparency, and convenience.

Overview of live and draft modes

  • Draft mode: Draft mode offers a way to visualise campaigns still in development. When in draft mode, this shows that you have not yet published a campaign and is still in the creation phase.

  • Live mode: Live mode features campaigns that are actively running.

Accessing the campaigns tab

To interact with campaigns and perform actions, begin by navigating to the campaigns tab. This section provides a list of all campaigns in your Apteco Orbit account.

  • Each campaign now features a tag, either live or draft, displayed on its tile. This tag shows the current state of the campaign.

  • Live campaigns display a Live tag and the summary dates pertain to the last and next run dates for that Live campaign.

  • Draft campaigns, on the other hand, display a draft tag. This shows that the campaign is still in the creation phase and has not yet been published.

Note: There are no last or next run dates for draft campaigns. Once published, the campaign state changes to live and the dates reflect when this happened and the future schedule.

Filtering on live and draft campaigns

Campaigns in live mode have various states such as ‘Needs Approval’, ‘Successful’ or ‘Error’. You can apply filters based on these states.

Furthermore, you can use the draft state as a filter. By applying this filter, you can narrow down the Campaigns tab's display to only show campaigns currently in draft mode.

Working with live and draft modes

Starting a campaign from scratch

When you create a campaign, the system automatically places you in draft mode and the draft tag displays beneath the campaign name. The right side of the screen displays an edit mode label, highlighting your ability to make changes to the campaign journey.

Once you publish the campaign, the draft tag changes to live, and the edit mode changes to view mode. This shows that the campaign is actively running, and you can no longer make changes.

Continue editing the campaign

In instances where a campaign journey is in live mode, displaying the live version of the campaign, you still have the ability to make changes. By clicking Edit Draft Version, the campaign journey changes from view mode to edit mode, allowing you to make any necessary changes.

Moving between live and draft modes

Once you have published a campaign, both draft and live versions of the campaign are available. To move between the live and draft views, access the drop-down menu beneath the campaign name.

Note: Even while moving between live and draft versions, the campaign remains in view mode. To actively work on the draft version of the campaign, remember to initiate the edit mode by making a change.

Creating a draft of a live campaign

In Orbit, once you've created and published a campaign, there is typically no draft version available. However, if you need to make revisions to a live campaign and intend to replace the current live version, follow these steps:

  1. Click Create Draft Version. This action generates a draft version of the campaign and automatically places it in edit mode.

    This action generates a draft version of the campaign and places it in edit mode.

    Note: While you work on the new draft, the live version of the campaign will continue running on the set schedule without any interruptions.

  2. Once you are in Edit mode for the draft campaign, you have several options to choose from:

    • Edit and Save Changes

      Modify the campaign as needed and save the changes using the Save button on the right side of the screen. This option is ideal when you want to update the campaign with new content or adjustments.

    • Discarding Changes

      If you make edits to the draft campaign but later realise that these changes are no longer necessary, you can discard them. Click Discard Changes from the action menu to restore the draft to its last saved state.

    • Deleting Draft Version

      In some cases, you may decide that the live version of the campaign is the only one needed. To revert back to the last saved state of the campaign and remove the draft version entirely, use the Delete Draft Version option.

Note: The option to delete a saved draft using the Delete Draft Version function is only available when using Apteco software version Q3 2023 and above.