Stop all campaigns

You can stop all your campaigns when there’s an issue, such as incorrect data or channel errors, that requires stopping campaigns temporarily. The ability to stop all your campaigns acts as a safety mechanism to halt all currently active campaigns within Orbit.

Think of this as a failsafe for campaigns.

Note: Only users with specific permissions can see the Stop Campaigns button. This permission is associated with the "Pause and Resume" role in the PeopleStage. Ensure you have this role before using the feature.

Stopping all campaigns vs pausing a campaign

Stopping all campaigns differs from pausing an individual campaign:

  • Stop campaigns: Stops all active campaigns across the Orbit system

  • Pause a campaign: Pauses a specific campaign

Note: Use Stop Campaigns only when systemic issues affect multiple campaigns, requiring a complete halt.

Stopping and resuming your campaigns

You can stop all your campaigns at any time from the Campaigns screen.

To stop all campaigns:

  1. Click Stop Campaigns at the top of the Campaigns screen.

  2. A prompt appears. Click Stop Campaigns to confirm the action.

    A notification informs you that Orbit has stopped all campaigns.

  3. Once the issue has been resolved (e.g., data build corrected or ESP fixed), click Resume Campaigns.

    Campaigns tagged as stopped return to their prior status:

    • Successful campaigns: Resume as per their schedule

    • Paused campaigns: Remain paused

    • Campaigns in an error state: Remain in error

    Note: Resumed campaigns follow these scheduling rules.

    - Campaigns scheduled to run on the day of resumption execute as planned.

    - Campaigns with past schedules don't re-run and adhere to the original schedule.

Your campaigns now resume as normal.