Dashboard quick search

Dashboard quick search allows you to filter across multiple text variables or text URN fields simultaneously, returning records where any of the search terms match – for example, surname or email address.

You can set up the dashboard search in the dashboard filter side panel, and then use it in the dashboard header:

  • As a dashboard editor, you can set up your quick search from within the dashboard filters side panel menu

  • As a dashboard viewer, the search field is then visible to use in the dashboard header

For example, a system administrator would set up a dashboard quick search, then a marketing team member could use this on a regular basis, saving considerable time and effort by consolidating their search.

Setting up a dashboard quick search

To use dashboard quick search, you must first set up a dashboard quick search in dashboard edit mode.

To set up a dashboard quick search:

  1. Create or open an existing dashboard. See Creating a Dashboard.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click Filters.

  4. Click within the Search Filters field.

  5. Now create your search using a search label. With a clear search label, users know what they are searching for without opening the side panel. To create your search label, we recommend that you use syntax containing:

    • The term Search

    • Followed by your preferred search terms and boolean logic, for example Surname or Email

    • Followed by an ellipsis

    All together, this search label would be appear as follows: Search Surname or Email…

  6. Next, click +Add Filter. This allows you to add fields.

    Note: You can only select text variables and text URNs, not numeric URNs.

  7. Select Filter(s) that you want to add, and click Add.

    These filters are displayed under Search Filters in the side panel.

  8. Close your side panel.

  9. Save your dashboard.

  10. You’re now presented with the dashboard View mode. In View mode, you can see the dashboard quick search positioned on the right of the dashboard header panel.

    You’ve now set up your dashboard quick search, and can proceed to use it in viewer mode.

Using a dashboard quick search

Once a dashboard quick search has been set up in dashboard edit mode (see above), you can then use this feature in viewer mode.

As a dashboard viewer, you can use dashboard quick search to filter your dashboard using a single term across multiple fields.

To use the dashboard quick search:

  1. Enter what you want to search for in the quick search field.

  2. Your dashboard now only displays results featuring your selected search term across your selected filters.

  3. You can continue to refine your results by adding extra filters in the usual way via your dashboard tiles or the filters side panel.

  4. You’ve now successfully used your dashboard quick search.

Note: The dashboard quick search field only appears if filters have been selected via the side panel.

Note: You can switch off the dashboard quick search if you do not want it to be available on a user system.