ROI number card tiles

The Return On Investment (ROI) number card tile allows you to define an investment amount and calculate ROI with an easy-to-use interface, directly within your dashboard.

ROI number card visualisations calculate and display the ROI for a given investment amount, with revenue defined by a measure or calculated measure.

You can input the investment amount, and the card dynamically calculates the ROI percentage using the standard ROI formula.

The standard calculation used for ROI number cards is:

The calculated ROI value is then prominently displayed on the number card with an indicator for on-the-fly analysis of campaign performance.

Creating an ROI number card

To create an ROI number card:

  1. Create or open an existing dashboard, see Creating a dashboard.

  2. Click + New Tile.

  3. Under the TYPE menu, click ROI Number Card.

  4. Under the DATA menu, add your Investment amount.

  5. Click + Measure. Click + Add Measure.

  6. Search for and select your Measure.

  7. Add a Function.

  8. Add your ROI number card Title.

  9. Click Apply.

You’ve now created an ROI number card tile.

Adding a filter to an ROI number card

You can then add a tile filter to your ROI number card. The tile filter ensures that you’re only including revenue from a specific marketing campaign or activity.

To add a filter to your ROI Number Card:

  1. Click the Filter tab.

  2. Click + Add Filter.

  3. Search for and select your filter.

  4. Select Values for your filter.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. If you haven’t already, add your Title.

  7. Click Apply.

You’ve now added a filter to an ROI number card tile.