Using wait selections

Wait selections are an audience library option that lets you either exit recipients from an audience step or move them through it.

You can find wait selections in the PeopleStage Audiences library.

The wait selections folder contains two options:

  • Campaign wait

  • Pool wait

Campaign wait

Note: Campaign waits were introduced mainly to support triggered events in Orbit.

Campaign waits are audience step selections that affect recipients across your whole campaign, regardless of pools.

You can use campaign waits to move recipients who have been anywhere in your campaign for X amount of time.

This is especially useful if you have recipients looping around your campaign. Rather than needing them to reach a certain pool to exit, you can set a campaign wait to remove anyone who has been in the campaign for a set amount of time, send a final message, or apply another relevant action.

They can be anywhere in the campaign and this can be used in an Audience step to either exit them or move them to a message.

Pool wait

Note: The pool wait is functionality is familiar to existing users, as it’s what used to be the case when selecting a pool journey. A pool journey is now more aligned with a journey selection. This change doesn’t affect any existing pool journeys in campaigns within PeopleStage.

With a pool wait, if the recipient has been in a particular pool for X amount of time, then you can move them forward in the campaign.

With a pool wait:

  • You select recipients who have been waiting in preceding pools for a specified timeframe

  • The pool journey then asks which pool have they been in, and when were they there

Typically, you use a pool wait in an audience step to move recipients through the campaign if they have not completed any interactions or expected actions.

This aligns more with other journey selections and follows the same functionality.

If you want to specify which pool a recipient has come from, you can use a pool journey.