Schedule and Automate a Campaign

The following scheduling options are available:

Single Instance

Use Single Instance to enable the campaign to run once at a certain time and date.

Single Instance

To set the campaign to run as soon as possible, click on the NOW button and then choose Create.

If the run of the campaign is a one-off but to be run in the future, use the calendar view within Single Instance to change the date and time of the campaign run:

Single Instance Calendar View

Once happy with the date and time selection, click Create.

By Minute / Hour:

Use By Minute / Hour to specify the frequency of campaign run by minutes or hours. Use the date and time TO and FROM functions to apply specific date and time of day constraints for the campaign.

By Minute/Hour

Once the time has been chosen, click Create.


Use Daily to specify the frequency of campaign run by Days. Choose to include weekends or weekdays only. Use the date functions TO and FROM to apply specific date constraints for the campaign and the Time options to choose at what time in the day the campaign should commence.


Once the details have been chosen, click Create.


Use Weekly to specify the frequency of campaign run by Weeks. Choose to include all or specific days in the week to run the campaign. Use the date functions TO and FROM to apply specific date constraints for the campaign and the Time options to choose at what time in the day the campaign should commence.


Once the time has been chosen, click Create.


Use Monthly to specify the frequency of campaign run by the number of times in the Month. Use the date functions TO and FROM to apply specific date constraints for the campaign and the Time options to choose at what time in the day the campaign should commence.


Once the time has been chosen, click Create.


Use Yearly to specify the frequency of campaign run by the number of times in the Year. Use the date functions TO and FROM to apply specific date constraints for the campaign and the Time options to choose at what time in the day the campaign should commence.


Once the time has been chosen, click Create.


A Relative schedule will commence when the proceeding step in the campaign has been run – e.g. people flow into the proceeding pool causing the volume to change. A volume change must occur for the Relative schedule to be triggered.


The Offset function can be used to control when PeopleStage looks for the change in volume. If left as default, PeopleStage will check for volume changes every minute and where there is change, move individuals through the campaign.

If the flow of the campaign is not dependent on a “real time” response, the offset can be used to anticipate batches of individuals flowing through the Relative schedule, rather than one or two people at a time. There may be workload and cost benefits in allowing volume to build in the campaign rather continually screening for volume change.

Once the settings applied, click Create.

Event Triggered

An Triggered schedule will run once an interaction with the proceeding broadcast or live data rules have occurred – e.g. a Broadcast Interaction audience selection step has been set up and a Triggered schedule applied. When the behaviour of an individual within the campaign matches the defined Broadcast Interaction, it will trigger the audience to run. Alternatively, if a live data selection is being used, as soon as an individual has entered the Live Data database, the audience will run and move individuals to the next stage of the campaign.

Event Triggered

Batch Size will determine whether the next action should run. There may be cost and resource benefits in waiting for a batch of interactions to build before commencing the next stage of the campaign.

Once the settings applied, click Create.

Note: When a Batch Size is used, batches are created which are at least as long as the time period specified.

System Action

A System Action event can be chosen to commence the running of the Audience step:

  • System Update – once the system build has completed and the new data build has been deployed
  • Response Attributed - once the System build has reviewed and allocated all transactional responses (matching the Response selections on a Response Step) to the campaign
  • Virtual Variable Update – once the Virtual Variable package has completed

System Action

Once the chosen settings have been applied, click Create.

Concept Link IconSee Also