Content Selections
FastStats Selections, Interaction and Journey Broadcast Selections and randomised %Percentage selections can be used in the Content step; doing so results in that information being displayed against the individual record within the output file. These selections are accessed via the Audiences folder in the PeopleStage Library.
FastStats selections and the Content step
In this example, we are using a ‘birthday’ selection created in FastStats to flag whether or not it is an individual’s birthday at the time of campaigning.
- Drag and drop the FastStats selection called Birthday Today from the Audiences section of the Library onto your Content step
The default wording Content Field appears top left. This becomes the column header in the output file and should be re-labelled appropriately.
- Double click on the text and rename the field as ‘Birthday Screen’
Dragging a selection onto the Content in this way creates a User Input Text value Fixed Content Content Field, indicated by the icon and wording Content Item at the bottom of the field
- Highlight and replace the words Content Item with Birthday
As a result of this, Birthday will appear on the output file against the individuals matching this selection criteria and, for example, if flagged as having a birthday within this campaigning period, you may offer an extra discount or other gift as an incentive to those people.
As a result of using a selection, the Content Field splits into two and an Other selection automatically appears alongside our Birthday Today selection. This also appears in your output file and allows you to easily identify anyone who does not meet the Birthday Today selection criteria.
- Rename this Content Item as Not Birthday
%Percentage split selections and the Content step
You can use a %Percentage selection in PeopleStage to create a randomised split of your audience. This is useful when conducting ‘test and learn’ on, for example, message subject lines or offers.
- Drag and drop a %Percentage selection from the Others folder in the Library Audiences panel onto your Content step
- Click on the % icon in the top left corner of the blue audience segment to amend the percentage figure, if necessary
- Rename the Content item to be Offer A
As with FastStats selections, when you apply a %Percentage selection, an Other selection automatically appears and allows you to label the individuals who do not fall into the percentage selection.
- Rename the Others selection as Offer B
See Test Content for more information on Test Content and using Automated Alternatives
Interaction selections and the Content step
If any of the components that make up an Interaction selection has been used in a previous part of the campaign, then you can use Interaction Selections in the Content step. For example, if there has been a previous email delivery, Broadcast Interaction selections can be used in the Content; if a social media broadcast has taken place, a Twitter or Facebook interaction can be referenced.
In this example, a Response Interaction selection is used in the Content step to identify people who have responded in accordance with the response criteria defined in the previous Message step. Any individuals who have made a Booking in the campaign time window specified in that previous response step are to be flagged as responded in this Content step.
Reminder: PeopleStage uses a combination of colour and shape to help you understand the flow of your campaign. Green is used to indicate transactions; in this example we are talking about transactional, not digital, responses.
- Drag and drop a Response Interaction selection from Library Audiences panel onto your Content step
- Click on the green response icon
located top left of the Response Interaction selection
- Choose the Response definition that you are interested in from the drop-down menu within this Response Interaction
- Rename the Content Item as Responded
Again, to ensure that the rest of the audience is catered for, an Other selection appears alongside the Response Interaction.
- Rename the Content item for this selection as Not Responded
Journey selections and the Content step
If any of the components that make up a Journey Selection has been used in a previous part of the campaign, then you can use Journey Selections in the Content step. For example, you can use a Pool Journey selection to reference people who have been waiting in a preceding pool for a defined time period or an Audience Journey selection to reference individuals who previously matched specific selection criteria.
In this example, we are using a Delivery Journey selection to create a flag in our output file against individuals if they received a certain DM message. It is useful to know which correspondence someone received, especially if the previous DM delivery contained a specific offer that you want to reference in your next communication within the campaign.
- Drag and drop a Delivery Journey selection from the Library onto your Content step
- Click on the orange delivery icon
located top left of the Delivery Journey selection
- Using the drop-downs, select the Sent Delivery via option that you wish to reference and specify the time period for the occurrence of this delivery - e.g. in last run, in last month, etc.
- Rename the Content Item as DM
Again, to ensure that the rest of the audience is catered for, an Other selection appears alongside the Delivery Journey.
- Rename the Content Item for this selection Other Channel
See Content Values