Using this Help Centre

This Help Centre provides several ways to navigate through the information; the sections below outline the organisation and conventions of the Help.


Search is an important feature of this Help system; a lot of thought has been put into this version to enhance the search experience and to allow us to build better Help in our updates to come.

Use keywords and phrases for example use "Creating a Campaign", instead of "How do I create a campaign?".

Use the Search filter to narrow down the results within a specific subject, for example "Campaigns".

Text Style Conventions

Topic Toolbar Symbols

Symbol Description
Navigate to the Help home page
Remove highlighted search text

Previous topic in the current help section

Next topic in the current help section

You can print the selected topic using this button

Tip: Means the following information will help you solve a problem. The tips information might not be troubleshooting or even an action, but could be useful information.

Note: Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the Help