Debug Log

The debug log is a list of the transactions between PeopleStage UI and the FastStats Service, and is mainly used by support departments to resolve issues that are on the PeopleStage UI.

You can access the Debug Log from the View menu:

  • Select - View > Debug Log

Debug Log

Capturing PeopleStage Debug Information

If PeopleStage generates an exception error and creates a Bug Report, then you see this type of message.

If you want to report the error via email, click Yes.

PeopleStage then generates the following email with details of the exception error:

If you require a full debug, then click View > Debug Log.

The debug window then opens. Click Select All to highlight the whole debug log, then click Create zip file.

A standard Windows save screen provides the option to name the zip file and choose its location.

If you are doing this as a Partner, then please log on as yourself and see if you can recreate the user’s issue to determine whether this is a user or system wide issue, and advise accordingly on your email to us.

Before sending this email across to us, please check the versions of the software in the bug report, or at the top of the debug against the Software Release downloads section of the forum. This check is to determine if this particular issue has been resolved by a new revision of your release.

If there is still an issue, then please send us the steps to repeat, and the process being undertaken at the time so that we can isolate and advise accordingly.

Note: Any extra screen shots are appreciated as they help us to provide response as quickly as possible.

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