Scheduled Timeline

The Schedule view on an Area or Campaign displays a timeline of the projected dates for future communications within a Campaign or Area. This enables users to identify potential clashes between communications planned for the same time period.

PeopleStage History View Icon

  • Close the cover on an Area or Campaign and use the view control in the top right corner to select the Schedule icon
  • Set the From and To date, and click the refresh button at the bottom to display a timeline of the projected dates for communications
  • You can use the scroll bar at the bottom or roll your mouse to find the Campaigns

Scheduled Timeline

Campaigns are shown in detail, with each send of a Message displayed individually. Areas are shown as a solid bar spanning the period for which some Campaign is active

You can click on a point to see further details displayed in the panel below

You can roll your mouse to zoom in and out or hold the and drag the bar at the base of the timeline

All points are based on a simulation of how the Campaign would run with the given schedules

Where the timeline covers historic dates, these are still a “forecast” of what should have happened given the schedules. The actual communication history is not currently used for this