Peoplestage Reports
The PeopleStage transactional reports show responses based on transactions stored in your FastStats system. Typically, these are revenue generating responses, defined using the Responses step and only available where such a Responses step exists.
Marketing Effectiveness
This shows the effectiveness of your marketing in terms of some standard KPIs such as Return on Investment and Cost per Responder.
It is possible to access the Marketing Effectiveness Report at the individual Message level, or at the higher Campaign or Area levels.
The report is only given as an option where a Response step exists
The Marketing Effectiveness report shows the effectiveness of your marketing in terms of some standard KPIs such as Return on Investment and Cost per Responder
To view the report, navigate to a Message step which includes a Response step
Select the Marketing Effectiveness Report from the Results view
Refresh the Report on run list and pick a run from the drop-down
- Click Generate
Example Marketing Effectiveness Report broken down by Brochure
In this example the Africa brochure is shown in italics since this was marked as the “Control” or “Reference” group.
An indexed comparison against the control group can be seen by clicking on Toggle Control. This shows which alternatives have performed better or worse than the control. Where a response rate is higher this is shown in green (good); where a cost is higher this is shown in red (bad).
An indexed comparison against the control group can be seen by clicking on Toggle control. This shows which alternatives have performed better or worse than the control. Where a response rate is higher this is shown in green (good); where a cost is higher this is shown in red (bad).
Statistical Significance
This report does a statistical test to see whether any differences in response rate are significant, given the size of the samples used. The (+/-) column shows how different the response rate could have been on another occasion with a similar sized run. For example, a response rate of 30% +/- 20% could be anywhere between 10% and 50%. The Z-Score for a given row shows whether this row’s result is significant – a value less than 1.96 is not significant, meaning that a different run could well yield the opposite result when compared against the control.
The report is only given as an option where a Response step exists
To view the report, navigate to a Message step which includes a Response step
Select the Statistical Significance Report from the Results view
Refresh the Report on run list and pick a run from the drop-down
- Click Generate
Example Statistical Significance Report broken down by Brochure
The (+/-) column shows how different the response rate could have been on another occasion with a similar sized run. E.g. a response rate of 30% +/- 20% could be anywhere between 10% and 50%. The Z-Score for a given row shows whether this row’s result is significant – a value less than 1.96 is not significant, meaning that a different run could well yield the opposite result when compared against the control.
Z-Scores Confidence Table
Z-Score | Confidence |
> +/- 3.29 | > 99.9% |
> +/- 2.576 | > 99% |
> +/- 1.96 | > 95% |
> +/- 1.65 | > 90% |
<= +/- 1.65 | <= 90% |