
The apteco-api package is a thin wrapper around the Apteco API and provides a Python interface to the API, replacing HTTP requests using JSON with Python method calls using Python objects.

It is auto-generated from the Apteco API spec using the OpenAPI generator:

  • Each group in the API becomes a class, e.g. the Queries group becomes a class called QueriesApi

  • Each endpoint within that group becomes a method on that group’s class, e.g. the CountSync endpoint becomes the queries_perform_query_count_synchronously method on the QueriesApi class.

  • Parameters (whether path, query or body parameters) become method arguments, e.g. systemName (a path parameter), query (a body parameter) and returnDefinition (a query parameter) become the system_name, query and return_definition arguments in the queries_perform_query_count_synchronously method.

  • Each model in the API becomes a Python class, and JSON model objects that are either passed as parameters in a request to an endpoint or returned in the result become Python objects, e.g. the query argument in the queries_perform_query_count-synchronously method call takes in instance of the Query class, and the method returns an instance of the QueryResult class.

Further reference