Online mapping installation

This document provides details on configuring online mapping with either the Bing Mapping or OpenStreet web services, and makes the Mapping Module available within FastStats.

The online mapping service provides a map backdrop built from available ‘tiles’ at different resolutions or zoom levels, and with different contents (geographic, satellite, etc.). Map details are displayed on the backdrop using either boundaries defined by ‘shape’ files or points defined by latitude and longitude. You can derive the latitude and longitude for your data by using a geo-coding service which identifies the location from address elements.

Bing Mapping is a commercial service provided by Microsoft, offering geo-coding, routing, and satellite imagery, in addition to a geographic tiling service. The Bing Mapping service has defined service levels. To use the Bing service, you require a key installed for each named user. Bing keys are available from Apteco via their partners.

OpenStreet is a public domain service, which provides a basic tiling service only. The OpenStreet tiling service does not require a key but does require a 'dummy key' in place to make the service available from within FastStats.

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