

This purpose of this guide is to help you install Orbit into an existing FastStats Enterprise environment. Orbit requires an existing, working FastStats Web Service running over IIS utilising SQL Server.

Note: To enable sharing a FastStats storyboard as a Collection in Orbit, the Apteco.Discoverer.Plugins.Storyboard plugin enabled checkbox must be selected on the Client Configuration Plugins tab. To do this, open the FastStats Configurator > Web Service > General tab > Client Configuration > select the Discoverer system > Edit > Plugins.

Web Server system requirements

Microsoft .NET Framework V4.6.2 minimum.

Note: In the Registry Editor, open the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP. The installed versions are listed under the NDP subkey (Ver4 > Client node).

This ensures that the Orbit Updater works with TLS 2.1:

SQL Server (2008 R2 or later)

The Orbit API requires access to a SQL Server. To make this change, you must have administration rights.

Test outbound connection

The FastStats Orbit Updater service retrieves (and installs) the Orbit web application and Orbit API from Apteco’s publicly available update server.

Use a browser on the server or PC where you plan to install Orbit, probably the web server, to test the outbound connection to the Apteco update server.

Check that the following site can be successfully reached from the web server:

Accessing this site should return the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<service xmlns="" xmlns:app="****" xmlns:atom="****" xml:base="****">
        <collection href="Packages">

Note: If you do not get this there may be rules in your firewalls which prevent you reaching Apteco. If you cannot access this site, the install will not work.

ASP.NET Core Hosting bundle

The ASP.NET Core Hosting bundle takes about one minute to install and is available from the following location. Choose the Windows Hosting Bundle executable download.

You must install this on the Web Server:

IIS URL Rewrite module 2.1

The IIS URL Rewrite module is an IIS extension, available from the following site. Choose x86 or x64 depending on your operating system.