
Online mapping

If you use the online mapping module, use the following steps to apply the shape files to the binaries:

  1. Create a zip file containing all the shape files.

  2. Use Add to apply the zip file as a package.

  3. Choose binaries\maps\ as the location.

For more details, see the Online mapping installation.


Typically, you enable the Storyboard plugin by using the FastStats Configurator on your server to change the Client Configuration. This configuration is read by the FastStats Launcher when it is used to start FastStats.

To enable storyboard:

  1. Open the FastStats Configurator and click Web Service.

  2. Click OK to confirm the connection string for your FastStats Configuration database. The connection string is normally already in place but masked. You can click in the connection string to see it or click Edit to change it.

  3. Click Client Configuration.

  4. Select your Discoverer configuration and click Edit.

    Note: The client name for Apteco FastStats is Discoverer.

  5. Select the Storyboard checkbox on the Plugins tab to enable Storyboards in FastStats.

  6. Click OK and close each of the windows in turn.

If you are not using the normal FastStats Launcher, to enable Storyboard on FastStats Discoverer Local Edition, use the DiscovererConfigurator.exe application installed in the same folder as FastStats Discoverer.

Note: There is no start menu icon created for this configuration application, you can simply navigate using File Explorer and double click the DiscovererConfigurator.exe application to run it.

To enable Storyboard in FastStats Local:

  1. Choose File > Open… and navigate to open the Discoverer64.exe.config (64-bit) or Discoverer.exe.config (32-bit) configuration file.

  2. Select the Storyboard checkbox on the Plugins tab.