Technical services

Welcome to the help hub technical services area. This area bridges the gap between our Apteco help and technical services.

Apteco self service route

To find Apteco products and services help content, we advise that you take the following route for self service before contacting support:

  1. Help hub: Here you can find product user help, technical admin help, and release content

  2. Knowledge base: Here you’ll find solutions for specific issues you that you may encounter

  3. Contact technical services: If you cannot find help or solution to resolve your issue, then please contact our support team via our technical services hub.

Note: If you are contacting technical services, then please have the relevant logs relating to your query to hand as this provides context to help us support you with your query.

Technical services hub

Register at to gain access to our technical services hub. This platform allows you to easily manage, update, and close all support tickets within your organisation, while discovering effective solutions.

To access our solutions, go to our knowledge base for articles, user guides, and FAQs to review. If you can't find what you're looking for, then please contact our technical services team.

Apteco resource guide

For further information and resources across Apteco, including our ideas portal, software roadmap, learning hub, training resources, resources for partners, and useful contacts, please see our Apteco resource guide.