Expressions: Derived Cube - CubeCellIndexFromHeader

This function returns the numeric index of the cell with the given header on the given dimension. An optional final parameter allows you to specify to match to the category code or its description; the default is code. The created reference can then be used to carry out more complex analysis, such as comparing the number of people with bookings to New Zealand against those who have been to Australia, and is particularly useful when there is the potential for the order of cell references to change over time – e.g. more destination categories added resulting in a change to the original cell index positions.

To identify and match to the description for the Destination of New Zealand:

The above example shows the Destination variable as the dimension, the CubeCellIndex position for each category, and the result of adding the CubeCellIndexFromHeader to return the specific index for New Zealand. This can now be used to do a variety of different calculations.


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