Segmentation: How do I carry out retention analysis?

Retention Analysis allows you to identify how long people have been in each segment at a given point in time.

The following example assumes you are familiar with the Segmentation tool.

  1. Drag your selections onto the Segments tab.

  2. Click on the Retention tab.

  3. Click on the drop down arrow next to the "Retention at" date box and select the date you want from the drop down list. The list is populated by the settings you make in the Reporting Points window.

  4. Select the time period you wish to use.

The example below uses Months, where the segment is checked every single month.

How that information is displayed can be determined by entering bandings into the space provided.

  1. Click the Build button to calculate and display the results:

In the screen shot above, only 1 person has been retained in the High Frequency High Value segment for more than 24 months.


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