Triggered event constraints

Constraints help control how often recipients interact with your specific triggered event, avoiding repetitive messaging. This is especially helpful if you have multiple triggered events in your campaign.

There are two main types of constraints:

  • Entry constraints: Limit how many times a recipient can enter a triggered event.

    Example: If the event offers a discount, an entry constraint can prevent a recipient from receiving the same offer multiple times.

  • Contact constraints: Restrict the frequency of communications from this triggered event within a specific period.

Note: For constraints applied to a campaign, see Constraint settings.

A symbol appears on your triggered event step when there is a constraint applied. Hovering over the step displays the constraint type and the name.

Applying an entry constraint

This constraint sets the maximum number of times the recipient can enter this triggered event within a given time period.

To apply an entry constraint:

  1. Click the option menu on your triggered event step, then click Triggered Event Constraints.

  2. Under Entrance Strategy, click + Add Constraint.

  3. Give your constraint a descriptive name by clicking the option menu, then Rename.

  4. Set the maximum number of entries per recipient or household.

  5. Set the frequency with which they can enter the triggered event.

    Tip: If you only ever want a recipient to enter once, maybe due to an event discount, set the frequency to Every 1 Lifetime.

  6. Click Apply.

You’ve now set your entry constraint.

Applying a contact constraint

This constraint sets the maximum number of communications the recipient can receive from this triggered event within a given time period.

To apply a contact constraint:

  1. Click the option menu on your triggered event step, then click Triggered Event Constraints.

  2. Under Contact Strategy, click + Add Constraint.

  3. Give your constraint a descriptive name by clicking the option menu, then Rename.

  4. Set the maximum number of communications per recipient or household.

  5. Select the channel.

  6. Set the frequency with which they can recieve the communication.

  7. Click Apply.

You’ve now set your contact constraint.