Transaction Level Campaigning

PeopleStage supports Transaction level campaigning.

To create a new Transaction level campaign:

  • Ensure that the area you wish to add the campaign to is in Plan mode
  • Drag and drop – e.g. a New Bookings or New Policies campaign from the Library

Library New Campaigns

The new campaign will automatically be editable, allowing you to amend its default description and add the Library elements required to create the flow of your marketing message.

The campaign selects the transactions identified in the initial audience selection; a transaction level selection must be used, and all eligible bookings will then flow through the campaign.

If a person has multiple eligible bookings, each one forms part of the campaign and the person receives multiple communications – one for each booking. This can be seen in the output file Delivery Output Grid View produced which will potentially contain multiple bookings against the same contact information.

You can preview a sample of the output file using Requires Manual Approval

Depending upon how the ESP is set up, the ESP may not allow multiple entries of the same email address and will carry out its own de-dupe of the list on send. This is because the email address is the primary key.

Other ESPs use a URN as the primary key and this allows for multiple entries of the same email address to be broadcast.

When using transactional level campaigns, please check with your ESP to confirm whether it can facilitate the send.

Your system administrator uses icons to differentiate the different campaign levels. You see these in the Library, but the icon also appears ghosted in the bottom right of your campaign window for ease of reference.

Transaction Level Campaign icons: