LinkedIn Direct Posts

A user with Admin permissions must configure the social media channels within PeopleStage; this topic concentrates on setting up a campaign within PeopleStage.

  • Drag and drop a New LinkedIn Campaign into your Campaign Area.

PeopleStage LinkedIn Campaign - Library

The Facebook campaign has the LinkedIn Watermark in the bottom right hand corner of the Campaign window.

LinkedIn Campaign Area

  • Once a Campaign has been created, look to the Library to start building your customer journey:

Only LinkedIn related campaign components will be shown if the Auto filter has been turned on within the Library.

  • Drag and drop the LinkedIn Audience onto your blank Campaign


If the Auto filter is turned on within the Library, only Facebook page audiences will be visible under the Social Audiences in the Audiences folder.

LinkedIn Audiences

  • Drag and drop the applicable Facebook Audience from the Library into the Campaign

LinkedIn Audience


  • Drag and drop a New Message from the Library's Message Processes folder into the Campaign and draw a line from the Audience to the Content step within the Message.

New Social Media Message Processes

Social Messages

Options include:

  • New Social Message (text only) - Content Step includes a Title and Text segment

  • New Social Message with image - Content Step includes a Title, Text, and Image segment

  • New Social Message with Media - Content Step includes a Title, Text, and Media segment (used for video posts)


LinkedIn Content

Add the following information into the Content step using the following labels:

  • Title - This is not visible on the post but is the name of the Post sent to Facebook

  • Text - This is the text which will appear in the Post

  • Image - URL or directory/file path of the image

  • Media - URL or directory/file path of the video content

The Title is a compulsory social message field and the description MUST be "Title", the segment MUST be "Any"


  • Double-click on the Delivery step to zoom in.

  • From the Deliveries folder in the Library, choose the applicable social channel which has been set up for the Facebook page.

LinkedIn Message in Library

  • Drag and drop the channel into the Delivery step in your campaign

LinkedIn Delivery

A preview of the post will automatically display in the Delivery step.

In the bottom right of the Delivery step is an envelope icon, this also allows you to preview the post before sending it

LinjkedIn Preview

See also Multi-social campaigning in PeopleStage