

The Table object represents a FastStats system table. It holds metadata about the FastStats table, and provides access to all its variables. It can also be used to help specify what records are included in a selection, data grid or cube. Table objects for a FastStats system are automatically created when you initialize a Session connected to that system.

Basic use

Retrieving a table from a Session object:

>>> bookings = my_session.tables["Bookings"]

Examining table metadata:

>>> print(
...     f"There are {bookings.total_records:,} {bookings.plural.lower()}"
...     f" in this system."
... )
There are 2,130,081 bookings in this system.

Accessing variables:

>>> cost = bookings["Cost"]
>>> len(bookings.variables)

Checking table relationships:

>>> households = my_session.tables["Households"]
>>> households.is_ancestor(bookings)

API Reference

General table properties & metadata

These attributes on the Table object str

table reference name

Table.singular: str

noun for a single item from this table

Table.plural: str

noun for multiple items from this table

Table.is_default: bool

whether this is the default table for this FastStats system

Table.is_people: bool

whether this is the table representing people in this FastStats system

Table.total_records: int

total number of records on this table

Relationships with other tables

These attributes on the Table object hold data about this table’s related tables. ‘Related’ tables in this context covers: parent, children, ancestors (this includes the parent), descendants (this includes children).

Table.child_relationship: str

phrase to relate to this table from its parent, e.g. ‘customer <purchased the> product’

Table.parent_relationship: str

phrase to relate this table to its parent, e.g. ‘product <was purchased by the> customer’

Table.has_children: bool

whether this table has any child tables

Table.parent_name: str

name of this table’s parent table (an empty string for the master table)

Table.parent: Table

the parent table of this table (None for the master table)

Table.children: list[Table]

list of child tables of this table (an empty list if table has no children)

Table.ancestors: list[Table]

list of ancestor tables of this table (an empty list for the master table)

Table.descendants: list[Table]

list of descendant tables of this table (an empty list if table has no children)

Table comparison methods

These methods on the Table object enable you to compare it with another table to check how they are related, if at all.


Return whether this table is the same as other.

This comparison can also be performed using the == operator.

Table.is_ancestor(other, allow_same=False)

Return whether this table is an ancestor of other (the direct parent table also counts as an ancestor). If allow_same is set to True, this will also return True if the tables are the same.

This comparison can also be performed using the < operator, or <= for allow_same=True.

Table.is_descendant(other, allow_same=False)

Return whether this table is a descendant of other (direct child tables also count as descendants). If allow_same is set to True, this will also return True if the tables are the same.

This comparison can also be performed using the > operator, or >= for allow_same=True.

Return whether this table is either an ancestor or descendant of other. If allow_same is set to True, this will also return True if the tables are the same.


In one sense, all the tables in a FastStats system are related, since they are all descended from a single master table. However, ‘related’ here is referring to direct ancestor or direct descendant relationships, not including indirect ‘sibling’ or ‘cousin’ relationships.

Table variables

The variables on the table can be accessed through the variables attribute. This single object provides both a list-like and dict-like interface for accessing variables.

Variables can be retrieved by indexing into this object (using the [] operator) with either the variable name or description:

>>> cost = bookings.variables["Cost"]
>>> destination = bookings.variables["boDest"]

This will raise a KeyError if the string you pass in doesn’t match a variable name or description.

There is also a shortcut for this by using the [] operator directly on the table itself:

>>> cost = bookings["Cost"]
>>> destination = bookings["boDest"]

You can be explicit about picking by name or description by using the names or descs attribute on variables:

>>> travel_date = bookings.variables.names["boTrav"]
>>> profit = bookings.variables.descs["Profit"]

This will similarly raise a KeyError if the lookup string is not recognised. This includes if you pass a valid variable description to variables.names and vice-versa.

The built-in len() function will give the number of variables on the table:

>>> len(bookings.variables)

You can iterate over the variables:

>>> for var in bookings.variables:
...     if var.type == "Numeric":
...         print(var.description)

You can also iterate over the variable names or descriptions:

>>> [n for n in bookings.variables.names if not n.startswith("bo")]
['deType', 'deGrade', 'deMgr', 'deFacil']
>>> [d for d in bookings.variables.descs if "date" in d.lower()]
['Booking Date', 'Travel Date', 'Busy dates']


Iterating over variables returns the Variable objects, whereas iterating over names or descs returns the names or descriptions as strings.

See also

Refer to the Variables documentation for more details on using variable objects.

Data Grids and Cubes

datagrid(columns, selection=None, max_rows=1000)

Build a data grid with this table as the resolve table.

>>> cols = (
        [people[var] for var in ("Initial", "Surname")]
        + [bookings[var] for var in ("boDate", "boCost", "boDest")]
>>> northern = households["Region"] == ["01", "02", "13"]
>>> datagrid = bookings.datagrid(cols, northern, max_rows=100)
>>> datagrid.to_df().head()
  Initial   Surname Booking Date     Cost    Destination
0       A     Allen   2020-08-11   551.81         France
1       W   Livesey   2021-08-02  1167.57   Sierra Leone
2       W   Livesey   2021-08-19   562.56  United States
3       W   Livesey   2021-08-08   960.55      Australia
4       O  Robinson   2021-08-22   455.60  United States

See also

This method is a wrapper around the DataGrid class. Refer to the Data Grid documentation for more details.

cube(dimensions, measures=None, selection=None)

Build a cube with this table as the resolve table.

>>> cube = bookings.cube(
        [people["Occupation"], bookings["Product"]],
        selection=(bookings["Cost"] > 200),
>>> df = cube.to_df()
>>> df.unstack().rename(columns=lambda x: x.split(" ")[0])
Product         Accommodation  Flight Package
Director                 1714    8477   24585
Manager                  4422   28566  109725
Manual Worker            4039   27104   77547
Professional             1806    9728   40072
Public Sector           18308   82437  249637
Retail Worker            9864   30853  126350
Retired                 12750   47333   86594
Sales Executive         35214  152911  407288
Student                  6553   27665  145156
Unemployed               8999   30648   57211

See also

This method is a wrapper around the Cube class. Refer to the Cube documentation for more details.