Q1 2022 patches

Original release date: 24 Jaunary 2022

Apteco software Q1 2022 build
version number
Apteco FastStats Server 5.7.9
Apteco FastStats 1.1.22024
Apteco PeopleStage 1.0.22024
FastStats Designer 1.3.22024
Web Service 1.0.22024
FastStats Service 1.3.22024
Digital Integration 1.0.22024

Note: From version 1.7.0 of Orbit (March 2019), the Orbit API requires .Net Core version 2.1. Orbit is not delivered as part of the quarterly release process and is updated via the Orbit Updater periodically when new features or improvements are available. The Orbit Updater is included in the Orbit zip file.
Apteco PeopleStageā„¢ is also available, although we are not yet making the download generally available to partners unless it has been licensed specifically. If you would like to use the latest version please contact support@apteco.com to arrange an appointment with an Apteco consultant. You will need Microsoft .NET version 4.0 (Full) on the client to run PeopleStage, please see information above to obtain these.
Instructions on how to install the release can be found in the FastStats Update Process document, which can be found in the Documentation zip file.
If applying any patches for this release for PeopleStage, please run the 'Update Webservice Database Script' within Configurator.


29 September 2022

Patch 5: Error Serialising/Deserialising XML in all Applications

We have found and fixed an issue which affects all applications within the Apteco Marketing Suite when reading or writing XML (such as loading a saved result). This is delivered via the following exception:

  • Apteco.Common.ValidationException:

  • Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1).

  • error CS1647: An expression is too long or complex to compile

Stack Trace :

  • System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

  • at System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString()

  • at System.IO.StringWriter.ToString()

  • at System.Xml.Serialization.Compiler.Compile(Assembly parent, String ns, XmlSerializerCompilerParameters xmlParameters, Evidence evidence)

  • at System.Xml.Serialization.TempAssembly.GenerateAssembly(XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types, String defaultNamespace, Evidence evidence, XmlSerializerCompilerParameters parameters, Assembly assembly, Hashtable assemblies)

  • at System.Xml.Serialization.TempAssembly..ctor(XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types, String defaultNamespace, String location, Evidence evidence)

  • at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.GenerateTempAssembly(XmlMapping xmlMapping, Type type, String defaultNamespace, String location, Evidence evidence)

  • at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type, XmlAttributeOverrides overrides, Type[] extraTypes, XmlRootAttribute root, String defaultNamespace, String location, Evidence evidence)

  • at Apteco.Common.XmlSerialisation.XmlOverridesCacheKey.CreateXmlSerialiser()

  • at Apteco.Common.XmlSerialisation.XmlSerialisable.XmlSerializerCache.GetXmlSerializerForKey(XmlOverridesCacheKey key)

  • at Apteco.Common.XmlSerialisation.XmlSerialisationWrapper.ToString(String firstTag, XmlOverrides overrides)

  • at Apteco.Common.XmlSerialisation.XmlSerialisationWrapper.ToString()

  • at Apteco.Common.XmlSerialisation.XmlSerialisableUsingWrapper.ToString(IXmlSerialisableUsingWrapper xmlSerialisable)

  • at Apteco.Common.XmlSerialisation.XmlSerialisableUsingWrapper.ToString()

To fix this problem

  1. Uninstall the FastStats Configurator.

  2. Reinstall version 1.3.22024.73 or later, contained within the WebService.zip file.

  3. Use this version of the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.22024.77 or later.

Also, please ensure that the FastStats Client binaries are updated to version 1.1.22024.81 or later, and PeopleStage Client Binaries to version 1.0.22024.77 or later.

If the issue arises in Excelsior, then uninstall Excelsior and re-install version 2.0.22024.70 or later, contained within the Excelsior.zip file. This issue in Excelsior means that certain FastStats objects cannot be inserted into an Excel worksheet and errors are thrown.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

Note: You only need to install the above patch if you are affected by it.

22 April 2022

Patch 4: MessageFolders Parameter added to MaxEmail

We have added a MessageFolders parameter to the MaxEmail email integration so that an administrator can specify which folders within MaxEmail contain the message templates to be loaded into the delivery. This reduces the time it takes to load the lists because we only need to load thes messages they require.

To apply this fix:

  1. Uninstall the FastStats Configurator.

  2. Reinstall version 1.3.22024.53 or later, contained within the WebService.zip file.

  3. Use this version of the FastStats Configurator to either upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.22024.56 or later, or choose to upgrade the integrations via the Update option.

You also need to use this version of the FastStats Configurator to update the PeopleStage binaries to version 1.0.22024.56 or later.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

Note: You only need to install the above patch if you are using the MaxEmail digital integration with PeopleStage.

22 April 2022

Patch 3: Improvement to the Broadcast Wizard in FastStats

We have improved the Broadcast Wizard functionality in FastStats so that email broadcasts via the Broadcast Wizard are written into the Broadcasts table within the Email Response database. This then means that the Email Response Gatherer can link email responses back to broadcasts done via the Broadcast Wizard in the same way we do for PeopleStage.

To apply this fix:

  1. Uninstall the FastStats Configurator.

  2. Reinstall version 1.3.22024.53 or later, contained within the WebService.zip file.

  3. Use this version of the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.22024.56.

You also need to use this version of the FastStats Configurator to update the FastStats binaries to version 1.1.22024.60 or later.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

Note: You only need to install the above patch if you are using the Broadcast Wizard in FastStats and are gathering email responses.

06 April 2021

Patch 2: Kingpin, DisplayBlock and Instiller Have a New Parameter to Control Export Types

Kingpin, DisplayBlock and Instiller have a new parameter to control export types collected so that you can control the amount of API calls used.

It is recommended to run two separate Response Gatherers to limit unnecessary API requests.

The first Response Gatherer should have the following Export Types and should be ran twice daily:

  • ExportTypes=delivered|hard|soft

The second Response Gatherer should then be configured to check for changes to the status with the following Export Types and should be ran every 30 minutes (this is recommendations only):

  • ExportTypes=returned|opens|optout|complaints|click_info

To apply this fix:

  1. Uninstall the FastStats Configurator.

  2. Reinstall version 1.3.22024.52 or later, contained within the WebService.zip file.

  3. Use this version of the FastStats Configurator to update the FastStats Service version to 1.3.22024.55 or later.

Please ensure that you have the 'Upgrade Integrations' option ticked when updating the FastStats Service.

You also need to update to version 1.0.22024.51 or later of the Email Response Gatherer, contained within the DigitalIntegration.zip.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

16 March 2022

Patch 1: Option Added to Broadcast Channel to Suppress Messages

We have added functionality to the broadcast channel to suppress getting a full list of messages. This is particularly if your broadcast is upload only and the message name is irrelevant.

To install this patch:

  1. Uninstall the FastStats Configurator.

  2. Reinstall version 1.3.22024.48 or later, contained within the WebService.zip file.

    • You then need to use this version of the FastStats Configurator to update the FastStats Service version to 1.3.22024.50 or later.

    • You also need to install the PeopleStage Binaries version 1.0.22024.51 or later.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

Note: You only need to install the above patch if you are affected by it.