Q3 2024 patches

Original release date: 11 September 2024

Apteco software Q3 2024 build
version number
Apteco FastStats Server 5.8.9
Apteco FastStats 1.1.24197
Apteco PeopleStage 1.0.24197
FastStats Designer 1.3.24197
Web Service 1.1.24197
FastStats Service 1.3.24197
Digital Integration 1.0.24197


18 March 2025

Patch 19: Handling blank codes from a file fix

We’ve made an adjustment to how we handle blank code in Designer. We now substitute in an exclamation where any blank code exists.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install FastStats Designer version 1.3.24197.71 or later contained within the Designer.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

14 February 2025

Patch 18: Google Ads API upgrade

We've upgraded our Google Ads API version from V16 (now deprecated) to V18.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.54 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.69 or later.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

05 February 2025

Patch 17: FastStats Modelling Environment not saving items on the Results tab

The Modelling Environment lets you create and organise modelling tools such as Cluster, Profile, and DecisionTree.

When you build models using these tools, the results are stored on the Results tab. A bug previously prevented these results from being saved with the Modelling Environment, so when reloaded, the Results tab appeared empty. We have now fixed this issue.

Note: The model itself and any Virtual Variable built by the model were always unaffected—only the model details within the Modelling Environment failed to persist.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.51 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.63 or later.

  3. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Binaries to version 1.1.24197.70 or later.

    Note: FastStats Local users need to install version 1.1.24197.70 or later, contained within the FastStatsLocal.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

22 January 2025

Patch 16: Google Ads custom audience uploads

Uploading or replacing large custom audiences of over 1,000 records in Google Ads now uses a single call. Overwrites trigger a replace job, while appends trigger an add job, ensuring consistent results.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.51 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.63 or later.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

22 January 2025

Patch 15: Google Ads integration - Audience Only advert requirement

We’ve found and fixed an issue in the Google Ads integration where the Audience Only option incorrectly checks for the existence of an advert.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.51 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.63 or later.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

22 January 2025

Patch 14: Facebook ads in PeopleStage display null adSet Id when upload only

We've fixed an issue where you needed to have a valid Meta Ad selected and available, even if only uploading but not advertising. The advert name in this case is no longer used.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.51 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.63 or later.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

10 January 2025

Patch 13: Spurious error message creating profile VV when virtual folder is on a UNC path

We’ve fixed an error message that could be generated while creating a profile Virtual Variable (VV), when the virtual folder is on a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path.

When setting your virtual folder to be on a UNC path, running the 'Profile Model' virtual variable analysis wizard, and selecting 'Quantile Range', the VV would generate an error.

You might also get the same error message when using the Numeric Banding wizard and choosing the 'Quantiles and Pareto' banding as the Banding Type.

The VV would be created correctly but the spurious error message would incorrectly indicate that the update had failed.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.49 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.60 or later.

  3. Install FastStats Designer version 1.3.24197.59 or later contained within the Designer.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

16 December 2024

Patch 12: Virtual variable issue for UNC path (text key)

We've fixed an issue where 'Create and Update' virtual variables would error if the virtual folder existed on a UNC path (text key), that is the key was a Text variable and the Data was a Selector.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.48 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.59 or later.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

06 December 2024

Patch 11: Unable to set % on volume constraints in PS

We’ve found and fixed an issue that prevented you from setting percentages on volume constraints in PeopleStage.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.47 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.58 or later.

  3. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the PeopleStage Binaries to version 1.0.24197.56 or later.

    Note: PeopleStage Local users need to install version 1.0.24197.56 or later, contained within the PeopleStageLocal.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

12 November 2024

Patch 10: Virtual variable issue for UNC paths

We've fixed a bug where 'Create and Update' virtual variables would error if the 'virtual' folder was specified as a UNC path.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.44 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.54 or later.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

08 November 2024

Patch 9: Tracking on content fields that contain database sources

When we track content items that contain database sources, we now store:

  • The actual value of the content item

  • Which content item was used

This means that we use content journeys within the campaign, and also get the actual value of the database source chosen when the tracking data is pulled back into FastStats.

Note: Previously, we only supported the content journeys. We then made changes to store the actual value that invalidated these content journeys.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.43 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.53 or later.

  3. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the PeopleStage Binaries to version 1.0.24197.51 or later.

Note: PeopleStage Local users need to install version 1.0.24197.51 or later, contained within the PeopleStageLocal.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

24 October 2024

Patch 8: Force extract option in FastStats Designer

You can now force the extract of a data source in FastStats Designer even if it is not included in the table relationship diagram. This option is useful when a post-extract needs to process the extract file.

To enable this, go to the database data source properties and select Extract if not included.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install FastStats Designer version 1.3.24197.51 or later contained within the Designer.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

24 October 2024

Patch 7: Parallel sort issue on linked systems

We’ve found and fixed a bug in FastStats Designer that caused the build process to hang at the sort stage when the parallel sort option was specified on a linked system.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install FastStats Designer version 1.3.24197.51 or later contained within the Designer.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

24 October 2024

Patch 6: PeopleStage Optimisation error

We’ve found a bug in the PeopleStage update script supplied with the FastStats Configurator.

This bug could drop and recreate the Optimisation table, causing problems with Campaign Optimisation in PeopleStage.

The update script has been fixed in these releases of the FS Configurator:

Note: If you’ve upgraded to the 2024 Q1\Q2\Q3 release and use Campaign Optimisation, then please contact Apteco Support for help in fixing the problem.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.42 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

21 October 2024

Patch 5: Update database wizard issue

We found an issue with the FastStats Service update process.

If the staging database was configured for use then the Update Database wizard would fail when updating this database.

Additionally, Database updates may fail if you don't have the required permissions as additional SQL Server Logins are now added. See FastStats system SQL databases for more information.

We’ve now fixed this issue in the latest version of the FastStats Configurator.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.40 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

16 October 2024

Patch 4: Improved combine files pre-load action

The "shift and combine files" pre-load action in FastStats Designer now preserves the extract file meta-data during a shift. This means incremental extracts can be shifted without forcing a full re-extract.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install FastStats Designer version 1.3.24197.45 or later contained within the Designer.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

16 October 2024

Patch 3: Configurator script error

We've found and fixed an issue where upgrading Apteco software through the FastStats Configurator caused an error.

You can now sucessfully update your software without needing to install a patched version.

08 October 2024

Patch 2: Incorrect summary code grouping

We've found and fixed an issue where codes may be incorrectly grouped within summary category variables.

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.32 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.40 or later.

  3. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Binaries to version 1.1.24197.49 or later.

    Note: FastStats Local users need to install version 1.1.24197.49 or later, contained within the FastStatsLocal.zip file.

  4. Install FastStats Designer version 1.3.24197.40 or later contained within the Designer.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.

02 October 2024

Patch 1: Virtual variable dependency checks

A bug in the Virtual Package functionality caused some variable dependencies to go undetected. This can lead to failed virtual variable refreshes when using the Virtual Package. We’ve fixed this issue and you must upgrade the FastStats Designer and FastStats Service components by following the steps below.

To apply this fix:

  1. Install the FastStats Configurator version 1.3.24197.30 or later contained within the WebService.zip file.

  2. Use the FastStats Configurator to upgrade the FastStats Service to version 1.3.24197.37 or later.

  3. Install FastStats Designer version 1.3.24197.37 or later contained within the Designer.zip file.

For further details, see Applying patches for Apteco software.