Viewing audience details

You can quickly review the audience selection criteria and understand who qualifies for communication from the journey builder, before launching a campaign. By following this process, you can ensure that the target audience logic aligns with your campaign goals.

Example: When a campaign manager constructs a complex customer journey, the ability to swiftly view audience logic within the journey builder helps optimise content and segment recipients, all without disrupting their workflow.

For pre-existing campaigns, viewing audience details directly from the campaign journey offers a handy way to review the original audience logic without disrupting the campaign setup process. This method not only saves time but enhances efficiency, enabling campaign managers to make informed decisions and guarantee precise targeting.

To view details of an audience in the journey builder:

  1. Select your campaign from the Campaigns screen, then click Journey.

  2. Click the option menu on your target segment step.

  3. Click View Details.

    This opens the audience side panel.

    Note: If you're in edit mode, click the option menu on your audience step, then click Edit.

  4. If you haven’t already, add any audiences to be included and/or excluded from your campaign. See Adding audiences.

  5. To view the logic for a specific audience, click on the ellipsis option menu next to the desired audience. Then, click View Audience Details.

A screen now displays the audience selection criteria you configured during your audience setup. This allows you review the audience details in a read-only format, without departing from the campaign journey.

If you're satisfied with the audience selection, then click Close on the dialogue, then click Apply on the audience step to continue with your campaign setup.