Adding audiences

You can now add a target segment, which can include multiple Orbit audiences or FastStats selections to be included or excluded from the campaign.

Adding a target audience

To add an audience:

  1. Click your Target Segment step, then name your audience.

    In this case, we've chosen Regular Customers.

  2. Click Create.

    Note: At this point, the journey builder updates with the title of the target segment. A right side panel appears with options to include or exclude Orbit audiences in the campaign.

Including or excluding an audience

To add an audience:

  1. Click + Add Audience.

  2. Search for and select the required Audience. If you require more than one Orbit audience, use the tick boxes on the left hand side to select the audience you want.

  3. Note: Here, you can select saved FastStats selections or Orbit audiences. You can find FastStats selections under the Files tab and Orbit audiences via the Audience tab.

  4. Click Add. Once applied, the selection count as of the time applied appears. For each include segment applied, a gross and net count is displayed.

    Gross is displayed without saving. However, to get the latest de-duplicated net count, and overall gross and net counts to display, you must click Refresh Counts at the top of the panel.

    Note: The option menu on the audience tile allows you to delete the audience, if no longer required.

  5. You can add further audiences by clicking + Add Audience and repeating the process. To understand the impact of moving the audience up and down the list, drag and drop the audience to the desired location and then Refresh Counts again to recalculate net counts.

    The option menu on the audience tile allows you to add a limit to your include audience. See Applying limits.

  6. Once you have added the relevant audiences, click Apply.

You have now set up your audiences for your campaign journey.