Using dashboards
Where dashboards are already present, when you click the dashboards’ tab, the window opens and displays a default dashboard view.
Selecting a Dashboard
To select a Dashboard
- Click the menu icon
in the top left of the Dashboards window
The selector pane opens to display all available Dashboards.
- Click to select and open
You can select and set your own default dashboard by clicking the Home icon next to the chosen Dashboard’s description
To set a Home Dashboard:
- Click the Home icon next to a Dashboard
To Pin a Dashboard:
- Click the Pin icon next to a Dashboard
Creating a Dashboard
Users with Admin permission can create new and edit existing Dashboards in Orbit.
Different types of visualisations and charts are available.
Text tile
Add free text to provide context to the dashboard.
See Text tile
Number card
Display a single value either as a count or as a calculated aggregation.
- UK Postal Area Map - Display categorical data for each UK postal area with shades representing the category's values
- NL Provinces Map - Display categorical data for each NL Province with shades representing the category's values
- NL Municipalities Map - Display categorical data for each NL Municipality with shades representing the category's values.
- DE 2 Digit PostCode Map - Display categorical data for each DE PostCode with shades representing the category's values
- Switzerland 2 Digit PostCode Map -Display categorical data for each CH PostCode with shades representing the category's values
- Australian 2 Digit PostCode Map - Display categorical data for each AU PostCode with shades representing the category's valuesshades representing the category's values
- US States Map - Display categorical data for each US State with shades representing the category's values.
Banded Pareto
Identify your best-performing customers grouped by value see Banded pareto
A Category Pareto chart displays one dimension in vertical bars banded by the category and combines another layer of data using a line chart.
You can select how many bands are displayed.
Categorical Pareto
Identify your best-performing products based on their value - see Category pareto
A Category Pareto chart displays one dimension in vertical bars banded by the category and combines another layer of data using a line chart.
The line shows the cumulative percentage of multiple data series and other percentage values for each bar, where the total (cumulative) of all the stacked bars always equals 100%.
The right vertical axis displays the second layer value range which is represented by a line for each dimension two band
Example - Bookings and Profit
When you create a Dashboard, you can apply Dashboard Filters which control the subset of rows displayed. When you use a Dashboard, you can also apply User Filters to the display through the selection of criteria in one or more of the Dashboard tiles. Any filter you apply to a tile will constrain the data available and displayed in all tiles within the dashboard. See Dashboard filters
Sort Ascending, Descending or Natural
The sort order in bar, column, radar column, funnel and pareto dashboard charts can be changed in view mode.
Drilldown within a tile – typically by one or more categories in a Dimension – allows you to access and examine subsets of your data through another visualisation using a different dimension, for example to first select a number of regions on a map and then view a breakdown of this selection by income band presented as a pie chart or gender as a column chart.
Creating an Audience
Using drilldown and filters you can create a marketing audience that can be used in a PeopleStage Campaign or for further analysis in Apteco FastStats.
If you are an unlicensed user you can drill and filter but you will not be able to create an audience or view the data.
Note: You must be a licensed user to be able to create an Audience.
Saving a Dashboard as a PDF
You can export your Dashboard to PDF using the Save as PDF button.
Sharing a Dashboard
Dashboards can be shared internally or to external users controlled by the email domain.