Introduction to Apteco Orbit™

Apteco Orbit™ is an end-to-end data insights platform, designed to streamline the deployment of dashboards, analytics, visualisations, targeting, campaigns, and reporting capabilities.

With Orbit, you have the following tools at your disposal:

  • Dynamic Dashboards: Easily create and share dashboards containing essential analysis and insights. Take advantage of interactive features to filter, construct lists, and drill down into visualisations.

  • Audience Building: Use data exploration tools to turn large volumes of transactional, multi-channel data into precisely defined customer segments.

  • Campaign Management: Turn insights into action by defining, scheduling, and reporting on campaign journeys using the journey builder.

  • Simplified Email Design: Create engaging emails with ease using the drag-and-drop email builder. Preview your messages before sending to ensure your campaigns look their best.

  • Effortless Reporting: Share your insights by bundling collections of analyses and visualisations, making it easier to communicate and act on your findings.

  • Activity Monitoring: Stay informed with real-time monitoring of PeopleStage campaign activity.

You can manage all these powerful functions within Apteco Orbit through Dashboards, Audiences, Campaigns, and Collections.

Home screen

  1. Main navigation tabs: Easily access and explore all your Orbit resources.
  2. Quick actions: Use these quick action buttons to jump straight into creating new resources.

    Note: Administrators see additional actions to easily access their tools and settings.

  3. Recent activity: View all your recent actions, discover shared resources, and keep an eye on important items pinned to your home screen.

  4. Release content: Stay updated on the latest features in Apteco Orbit. Be sure to check out the release notes for more details and explore the Apteco Orbit documentation available on the help hub.

  5. Account and settings: From here you can manage your account, access application and user settings, and set permissions and tags.

  6. System information: With a quick glance, you can view the number of resources available, as well as your system information and build date.

Note: For the latest features and bug fixes, refer to the Orbit release notes.

Note: To view a comprehensive list of software that Apteco Orbit integrates with, visit Integrations.