
Turn your insights into action and tailor your campaign journeys to deliver the best message to your ideal audience at the right moment – all from Apteco Orbit.

Connect your data and channels, leveraging actionable insights to create your target audience, and then automate and personalise your communications. Keep a constant eye on your campaign's status and performance, accessible from any device, around the clock, allowing you to capitalise on real-time insights.

In your Orbit configuration, you can enhance your campaign strategy with the PeopleStage campaign history and schedule overview. This feature grants you a comprehensive view of campaign numbers and volumes executed by PeopleStage within specific timeframes, with the default display covering the past 12 months from today's date.

To view and manage a single campaign, see Campaign overview.

Viewing the Campaign dashboard

To view the campaign dashboard, click the Campaigns at the top of the screen.

By default, Campaigns presents a tiled view of all the campaigns, ordered descending by the date a campaign last ran.

Working with campaigns in Orbit

The campaigns tab in Orbit allows you to see all of your campaign journeys you have set up in Orbit and PeopleStage. Each tile is a campaign summarising the campaign status. This status includes when the campaign was last run, its schedule information, and which communication channels are in use.

Filtering and searching for campaigns

You can filter campaigns using the filter and search panel, to the left of the campaign tab.

Campaigns can be filtered based on their status:

Successful, errored, needs approval, or not yet published. Campaigns can also be filtered by; first run date, last run date, and next run date.

To filter a campaign:

  1. Use the radio buttons to choose which status you wish to use as a filter.

  2. Use the drop down menus underneath the run frequencies to filter the campaigns.

To search for a campaign:

  1. Type the name of the campaign. The number of campaigns on screen reduces until the ones beginning with or containing those words is displayed.

  2. Select the relevant campaign(s).

Info: You can also tab through the pages of campaigns using the page navigation.

Deleting a campaign

You can delete a campaign from the campaign screen using the ellipses button on each campaign tile.

Once deleted, the campaign is deactivated from recording any further communication history and deleted from campaigns.

Note: By deleting a campaign in Orbit, you also delete the campaign in PeopleStage.