Using push notifications in campaigns

Push notifications in Orbit campaigns are flexible and can include personalisation, images, and scheduling.

To set up push notifications in a campaign:

  1. From the Orbit home screen, click Campaigns.

  2. Either select an existing campaign, or create a new one.

  3. Choose a target audience. See Adding audiences.

    Ensure the audience includes users with valid device tokens.

  4. Click the plus icon to add a journey step where you want your push notification.

  5. Select Push Notifications under Channels.

  6. Click the option menu on your push notification step, then click Edit.

  7. 7. Give your step a meaningful name, then click Create.

This opens the side panel.

Setting up your push notification message step

You can now create your push notification message.

To set up your push notification message step:

  1. Select the Push Notification Channel you created.

  2. Enter a Title and Message.

    Tip: Keep the text concise and engaging.

  3. Add content fields to map any personalisation variables (e.g., ‘Actual ForeName’) to use in your message.

    See Applying personalisation.

  4. Specify any personalisation content fields (e.g., {{ForeName}}).

  5. Use a variable named image to add an image to the notification. This is the thumbnail which appears to the left of the notification.

    • Ensure the variable points to a valid image URL or file path

    • Verify that the image format is compatible with the app receiving the notification

      Note: If your app supports these settings, you can also add Badge and Sound variables.

      - Badge is the symbol which appears on your device front screen to tell you there is a new notification from the app

      - Sound is the tone that plays on your device when the notification arrives

  6. Preview the notification with a test campaign run to ensure personalisation and images appear as expected.

  7. Save, publish, and set a schedule for your campaign.

    See Saving, editing, or publishing changes and Setting a schedule.

You have successfully used push notifications in your Orbit campaign.