Creating a campaign

To start a new campaign journey:

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns tab in Orbit.

  2. Click + New Campaign.

  3. Give your campaign a meaningful name.

  4. You can now choose whether to target individuals or use transactional data to targeting transactional activity.

    For more detail, see Transactional campaigns.

  5. Click Create.

Orbit then creates a new campaign, launching a journey via the journey tab. This allows you to populate the target audience and communication channel.

Note: Once you have clicked Create, a campaign journey appears and is available for you in edit mode. This allows you to populate each part of the builder. Save is available, for saving work throughout the process. If you have finished editing your campaign, then you can click the Finish Edit button to move the campaign from edit mode to view mode, allowing other campaigners to also edit the campaign in Orbit or PeopleStage.

Viewing a journey

To open an existing campaign journey, either:

  1. Click the option menu on a campaign tile, then click View Journey.

  2. Click anywhere on a campaign tile to open the Overview screen, then click the Journey tab.

Note: View Journey only displays campaigns that are compatible with the current Orbit journey builder. Campaigns made in PeopleStage may not be currently supported by the journey builder and won’t appear in this view.