Journey builder
You can plan, build, and execute full campaign journeys via Apteco Orbit. From single-stage campaigns to advanced multi-stage journeys, you can use Orbit audiences to decide who to include and exclude in your target segments.
Note: If you are also using Apteco PeopleStage for your more complex campaigning needs, then Orbit also displays your PeopleStage campaigns to help you monitor them. If your PeopleStage campaigns are compatible with the functionality in Orbit, you can then edit them in the platform. All campaigns built in Orbit can also be accessed, edited, and republished via PeopleStage.
Note: To use journey builder, you must have the Apteco Broadcaster license or above, and at least the Q1 2023 of Apteco software installed to use percentage limits functionality.
Viewing a journey
To open a campaign journey, either:
Click the option menu on a campaign tile, then click View Journey.
Click anywhere on a campaign tile to open the Overview screen, then click the Journey tab.
You can view a campaign journey by using the option menu on a campaign tile. You can view the journey View mode or Edit mode.
Note: View Journey only displays campaigns that are compatible with the current Orbit journey builder. Campaigns made in PeopleStage may not be currently supported by the journey builder and won’t appear in this view.
View your campaign summary anytime
You can access your Campaign Summary, including all journey steps, at any point while building your campaign. This helps you review and refine your campaigns more effectively before publishing.
To view your Campaign Summary:
Click the option menu in your campaign journey.
Click Campaign Summary.
A screen will appear, displaying all details about each step in your journey, and whether you have communication recording enabled.