Response time window

When setting up your campaign objectives, it’s essential to understand the differences between campaign goals, objective targets, and response time windows.

  • Campaign goals represent the overall aim of your campaign.

  • Objective target timeframes are the time-based outcomes you set for measuring progress toward your campaign objectives. For instance, if you aim to achieve 1,000 registrations in two months, that two-month window is your target timeframe. It provides an overarching benchmark to assess your campaign’s progress.

  • Response time windows, in contrast, are specific to individual recipients. This setting defines how long Orbit should track responses from the moment each person receives the campaign message. This is especially useful for recurring or staggered campaigns where recipients may engage at different times.

Together, these provide a comprehensive framework for tracking campaign success and allow you to measure both total progress and individual response timing.

Setting up the response time window

To set up the response time window:

  1. In your campaign objective side panel, locate the response time window section.

    This is where you specify how long Orbit should track each recipient's responses.

  2. For the response attribution, you must select a variable to set the time frame to track the objective.

    Click + Add Variable and select a variable from the list.

    For example, if your objective is related to bookings, you might consider the Booking Date variable.

  3. Select the length of time you want to track responses from the moment each recipient receives the message.

    You can choose from a number of days, weeks, months, or years, depending on the campaign's needs.

    Example: For a limited-time offer email campaign, you might set the response time window to two weeks if that’s the anticipated period for recipients to act on the offer.

    Tip: Consider your campaign type.

    One-off campaigns: For a one-time email or event invitation, set a shorter response time window that matches the expected engagement period, such as 7 days for an email with a time-sensitive promotion.

    Recurring or ongoing campaigns: If your campaign sends messages on a recurring basis (e.g., weekly emails or birthday campaigns), the response time window ensures that responses are tracked for each recipient individually, from when they receive the message.

  4. Adjust for a delayed message delivery (optional).

    If there’s a delay between message production and delivery (as with direct mail), you may apply an Offset. This allows you to account for the lag by delaying the start of response tracking accordingly.

    Set the Offset By option the same way you did in step 3.

    You have now set up your response time window. You can now also set up your revenue reporting.

Revenue reporting

Tracking multiple objectives for a message

Monitoring responses

Once you have set the response time window for your objective, Orbit automatically tracks responses within the specified timeframe for each recipient. Progress updates in real time, and you can view the results in the campaign strategy side panel to monitor how responses align with your campaign’s goals and target timeframe.

Monitoring progress of goals and objectives