Audience splits by message objective

With an audience split, you can define multiple journey paths based on whether a recipient has met a message objective, such as submitting a form. This definition capability allows you to tailor follow-ups based on actual customer interactions while the Orbit journey handles the segmentation process for you.

Add an audience split based on an objective

Make sure that you've set up message objectives in any communication steps above where you want to split your audience. See Message objectives.

Tip: Add a time delay step after your communication to give your audience time to interact.

To split your audience by objective interaction:

  1. In your campaign journey, click + to add an audience split step. See Audience splits.

  2. In the audience split side panel, click + Add Path.

  3. Name your paths based on the objective outcome.

    Tip: Path names based on objectives could be:

    - Submitted the form

    - Opened, but did not submit

  4. Under a path, click + Add Audience.

    The Objectives tab shows any objectives you’ve set up above your audience split step.

    Note: Objectives further down your multi-stage journey won’t appear here.

  5. Check the relevant objective for the path, then click Add.

    Note: You can only assign one objective per path.

  6. Add any additional paths as needed.

    Note: The 'Everyone Else' path catches contacts who don’t meet any objective.

  7. Click Apply.

Tip: If your campaign includes triggered events with objectives, you can select those in your audience split, regardless of where they appear in the journey.

You’ve now set up an audience split based on objective interaction.

You can now set up any follow-up communications or other journey steps based on the objective outcome.