Behavioural modelling - setting up the environment

The following topics guide you through the process of setting up your behavioural modelling environment:

  1. Behavioural modelling - fixed and event driven point-in-time

  2. Behavioural modelling - selecting fixed or event driven points in time

  3. Behavioural modelling - setting analysis and evaluation dates

  4. Behavioural modelling - customer journey analysis and base selections

  5. Behavioural modelling - scenarios

  6. Behavioural modelling - scenario for creating analysis and base selections

  7. Behavioural modelling - creating analysis and base selections

  8. Behavioural modelling - proofing the selections

  9. Behavioural modelling - modifying and working with multiple analysis and base selections


For an introduction to behavioural modelling, see What is behavioural modelling?

For information on creating dimensions, see Behavioural modelling - creating dimensions (behavioural features)